2007年6月22日 星期五


陽光.熱情.墨西哥台北晶華酒店發表 原裝的Mariachi樂團,輕鬆、自在、快樂、的享受道地異國美食饗宴,一切原來如此簡單!(美食照片都在這,按我) 〈嵐,台北〉香辣獨特的佳餚,絕對最能刺激艷陽夏日下的食慾。 6月21日起至7月1日,台北晶華酒店將與墨西哥商務辦事處合作,於1樓azie以及柏麗廳隆重推出「陽光.熱情.墨西哥」美食饗宴。 不需要遠度重洋,便可以在台北品嚐到十數款經典道地的墨西哥美饌,並欣賞到墨西哥傳統Mariachi樂團熱情奔放的精湛演出! 結合了馬雅、阿茲特克等原住民飲食文化,以及西班牙、法國和義大利等地的料理特色之後,墨西哥已經發展出屬於自已、獨一無二的美食風情。 墨西哥商務辦事處代表夫人Mrs.Arceo的大力協助,台北晶華酒店廚藝總監費柏( Felber)完備了十數款各具特色的墨西哥佳餚,以善用當地特殊食材,並將其廣為人知的著名料理發揚光大為主要訴求。在azie 的單點菜單上,開胃菜部分有清新爽口的墨西哥玉米脆佐特製酪梨醬,香辣夠味的墨西哥辣味起司玉米餅佐黑豆泥,酸中帶甜、甜中帶辣的墨西哥辣味萊姆檸檬海鮮佐玉米脆片,以及包入雞肉的酥炸墨西哥玉米雞肉捲;而主廚推薦的湯品則有鮮甜濃郁的墨西哥魚湯,以及搭配玉米脆片的墨西哥雞肉湯;特選的主菜的部分包括色彩鮮豔動人的小紅鯛魚飯佐蕃茄醬,嗆辣夠味的墨西哥辣味蝦仁飯,以及有著獨特酸甜風味的墨西哥辣味香腸比薩;精采的墨西哥甜點中一定要嘗試獨一無二的酥炸番紅花與肉桂麵團佐咖啡冰淇淋,以及香味令人心醉的萊姆龍舌蘭慕斯。 一樓柏麗廳自助餐檯上也羅列著各式墨西哥風味佳餚,冷盤部分有: 辣味酪梨醃魚,枸杞子海葉蔬菜沙拉,香煎鰹魚佐辣味蘿蔔…等;炭烤專區則有道地的墨西哥烤肉,主食包括墨西哥著名的韋拉客魯斯燉紅魚、辣味咖啡骨、以及白酒鮮鮭雞肉捲…等供消費者盡興飽餐。 享用豐富佳餚與甜點的同時,可別忘了品嚐由墨西哥最著名的龍舌 蘭酒所調製而成的各式酒品。 例如加入各式熱帶水果特調而成的-妖惑小 惡魔。 難得在台灣有機會品嚐、由精選白米加上蜂蜜杏仁調味而成的 Horchata米漿。 沁涼墨式風味的佬墨的日出,以及帶有哈密瓜香氣的哈蜜 瓜瑪格麗特…等。 晶華酒店大費心力的,要提供消費者多樣且香醇滋味,讓消費者在炎炎夏日中,享受一頓難忘的墨西哥美食佳餚。 為充滿陽光與活力的墨西哥原味氛圍,現場更請到了共八位團員的Mariachi樂團。 活動期間每天的午餐與晚餐時段,在晶華酒店一樓中庭,有熱情、親切演出, 展現最道地的墨西哥原汁風味,你實在不容錯過喔! azie提供的各款佳餚,單點價位NT$220起,柏麗廳平日自助式午餐價格為NT$790,假日自助式午餐為NT$990;平日自助式晚餐NT$890,假日自助式晚餐NT$990;以上價皆須另加一成服務費。               台北市晶華酒店地址: 台北市中山北路2段41號 電話: (02)2500-8000 轉3157azie 轉3870柏麗廳 Mexican Festival at Grand Formosa Regent Taipei (Slide Show) 〈Rambo, Taipei〉Who says summer cuisine can only be light and cooling? Zesty spices can excite the taste buds and the appetite even more in the sizzling heat of the summer. June 21 to July 1, Grand Formosa Regent Taipei works in conjunction with Mexican Trade Services to present the Mexican Festival at azie and Brasserie (1F), with exotic Mexican cuisine that is the embodiment of sunshine, passion, and fun. During the promotion, guests can savor dozens of authentic Mexican dishes plus live performances by the Mariachi without leaving the city! Mexican cuisine is known for its intense and varied flavors, colorful decoration, and variety of spices. Mexican gastronomy is one of the richest in the world: both with respect to diverse and appealing tastes and textures; and in terms of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Some people consider Mexican cuisine to be the second most varied and vast in the world after Chinese cuisine. When Spanish conquistadores arrived in the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan, they found that the people's diet consisted largely of corn-based dishes with chilies and herbs, usually complemented with beans and squash. The conquistadores eventually combined their imported diet of rice, beef, pork, chicken, wine, garlic and onions with the indigenous foods of pre-Columbian Mexico, including chocolate, maize, tomato, vanilla, avocado, papaya, pineapple, chili pepper, beans, squash, sweet potato, peanut and turkey. For the Mexican Festival, Mrs. Arceo of the Mexican Trade Services has helped Grand Formosa Regent Taipei’s Culinary Director Joachim Felber in the creation of dozens of dishes utilizing the above ingredients. At azie, guests will find appetizers like Guacamole Dip & Chips, Nachos with Jalapeno Peppers & Salsa Rachera, Ceviche Acapulco, which is seafood marinated in lemon and lime with jalapeno chilies, fresh tomatoes, bell peppers, avocado and cilantro, Sincronizada Rancheras, which is a large flour tortilla filled with cheese, bacon and ham grilled to golden brown and served with avocado, sour cream and ranchera sauce, and Taquitos Mexicanos. Salad choices include Taco Salad and Mexican Dinner Salad with olives, fresh tomatoes, red bell pepper, avocado, Monterey jack cheese, sweet corn and avocado with homemade Caesar dressing on a bed of romaine lettuce. Soups include Sopa de Tortilla and the traditional Sopa de Pescado fish soup. As for especialidades, choose from Mole Colorado de Pollo, roasted boneless chicken berast with red mole and served with soft tortillas and steamed rice, Enchiladas Verdes, three soft corn tortillas filled, rolled, and baked choice of meat and green tomato sauce, or Tampiquena Barbecued Beef with corn tortilla, lettuce guacamole, refried black beans. Also on the menu are Huachinango a la Veracruzana, baked baby red snapper with a veracruzan tomato sauce, Camarones a la Tequila, large shrimps flamed with tequila and simmered in a spicy chili sauce with onions, and Pizza Mexicana. As for dessert, there is the Mexican Caramel from Coronado, Bunelos, with is deep-fried flour tortilla with dried fruit and cinnamon custard, Churros with saffron, cinnamon and Mexican coffee ice cream, Atole de Fresa, Gelatine de Rompope, Crepas de Cajeta, which is caramel layered homemade crepe cake with orange sorbet, and Tequila Espuma. Various delectable Mexican dishes can also be found at Brasserie, the festival buffet restaurant adjacent to azie, such as Spicy Ceviche with Avocados, a self-help Taco Bar, Mexican Barbecue Section, Red Snapper a la Veracruzana, Enchiladas Verde, Chili-rubbed Back Rib with Espresso Barbecue Sauce, Gelatin de Rompope, a rum gelatin, Arroz con Leche, or rice pudding with cinnamon, Chimichangas, or deep fried tortilla, Atole de Fresa, strawberry soup, Churros, and Sopaipillas, which are deep-fried pineapples. Also available during the promotion are various beverages indigenous of Mexico plus a lively mariachi band of 8 members to bring forth the passions and vivacity of Mexico every day in the center court of azie at lunch and dinnertime. A la carte items as azie start at NT$220. Prices for Brasserie are as followed. For more information or reservations, please call 02-2523-8000 ext 3157 (azie) or 3870 (Brasserie). Brasserie Weekdays Weekends & Holidays Lunch NT$790 NT$990 Dinner NT$890 NT$990 Grand Formosa Regent Taipei 41 Chung Shan North Road, Section 2, Taipei, Taiwan

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