2007年9月7日 星期五


〈嵐,台北〉觀光產業是21世紀,全球成長最快速的行業,台灣的觀光業,是繼高科技業成熟發展後,下一波備受關注的主流產業。 隨著世界潮流變化以及國內外商務與休憩市場的高度成長,飯店業的經營及管理技巧也越趨精緻專業,對中高階經理人更是求才若渴。 鑑於五星級飯店的軟、硬體設備不斷更新,需要許多具備國際觀、訓練有素的旅館管理專才投入,以提昇台灣飯店業的整體水準以及專業形象。 鑑於此,台灣飯店業龍頭及股王--台北晶華酒店,特成立了「晶華旅館管理學苑」,有計劃的為飯店員工進行一連串專業且實用的訓練課程,並首次對外推出國內外飯店界有史以來規模最大的「飯店領導管理人才招募培訓計劃(Management Apprenticeship Program)」,協助企業永續經營發展。    
推動這項計劃的台北晶華酒店總經理博瑞福(Francesco Borrello)表示:「近年來晶華酒店的事業體不斷快速的向外擴張,而台灣飯店業也更加蓬勃發展。在成長速度遠高於人才供給、飯店業中高階主管逐漸出現斷層的情形之下,積極發掘並且培養出下個世代的旅館管理領導人才可說是刻不容緩。」因此,台北晶華酒店將藉由嚴謹且高標準的招募條件與長達一年的給薪制專業訓練過程,積極培養有志從事旅館管理事業的國內外優秀人才。跨部門的訓練課程內容豐富而紮實,通過層層關卡測試及高度評鑑核可之後,將直接聘用、晉升為晶華酒店主管職,成為眾人矚目的明日之星!  
第一關:招募對象與條件限制  此項計劃的招募對象不分國籍與性別,應徵者必須對於飯店管理具備高度熱忱、年齡在35歲以下,國外大學觀光旅館或餐飲…等相關科系畢業,英語聽說讀寫流利,並且至少於服務業擁有1至2年的工作經驗,以及擁有絕佳的表達能力與溝通技巧。    應徵者可以直接投寄履歷至台北晶華酒店,或是透過晶華酒店網站(http://www.grandformosa.com.tw/)、104網站、或者國際旅館求才網,如H.G.R.com或是ehotelier.com詳閱招募內容,並進行線上履歷投遞。履歷表中必須闡述對觀光飯店業的興趣與熱情,並且評量本身是否具備組織與整合能力、團隊合作精神、細心與抗壓性、商業知識、領導技巧…等等。
第四關:最後決選,飯店界的明日之星誕生-經過飯店十數個部門歷練、且通過層層評鑑的優秀候選人,在訓練結束之後,將再接受最後一次的「期末考」。測驗內容由總經理、人事部協理及人事訓練經理共同制定,候選人必須完成一項與飯店管理有關的整合性任務。此次測驗的分數加上之前各部門的測試分數總和起來,超過90分以上的候選人將被晶華酒店直接任用為部門的副主管(副協理職級),負擔管理領導責任;總分界於80至90的候選人,則被任用為單位主管(經理職級);總分未能達到80分以上的候選人則無法擔任主管職,由人事部另外安排至合適部門任職。    台北晶華酒店此次推出的「飯店領導管理人才招募培訓計劃(Management Apprenticeship Program)」,是台灣飯店業的一大創舉。 完善且嚴謹的訓練過程,為具資質的飯店管理人才提供絕佳的超級機會。 喜愛面對挑戰、且立志成為飯店界領導者,這可能是讓妳未來生涯舞台發光發熱絕妙佳機!  
Grand Formosa Regent Taipei announces Management Apprenticeship Program
〈Ram, Taipei〉The award-winning Grand Formosa Regent Taipei, a Four Seasons Hotel, has recently established a one-year Management Apprenticeship Program to recruit and develop highly qualified internal and external associates for key positions at the hotel।
“In our business environment today, soft skills are essential in driving the long-term success of a business,” says Mr. Francesco Borrello, General Manager of Grand Formosa Regent Taipei. “It is therefore our steadfast endeavor to offer superior opportunities to those who are interested in learning about our industry and becoming hospitality leaders of the future in Taiwan.” The Management Apprenticeship Program recruits potential candidates then trains and equips them with a service mindset of relevant knowledge and skills। Upon completion of the program, associates will be totally cross-exposed and have a critical understanding of the professional philosophy and the hotel industry framework.
Program OverviewTo secure the apprenticeship program, candidates must go though several rounds of selection, including a written test, a group interview and an individual interview। The program is open for graduates from hospitality and main criteria are enthusiasm and passion about the service industry. The 12-month program is structured with training along with practical on-the-job experience in a variety of areas within the hotel.
RecruitmentCandidates are first recruited based on basic academic and behavioral skills plus a mixture of the following criteria: attention to details, ability to organize, direct, and coordinate large-scale activities, self-control, social orientation, concern for others, business sense and financial skills, supervising and motivating fellow associates, dependability, stress tolerance, adaptability/flexibility, teamwork skills, integrity, and coaching and finally grasp the main attributes of leadership skills।
Moreover, a keen interest in the industry is key to successful enrollment in the program। Selection criteria include commitment and passion to share the company’s core values in quality, service, innovation and trust. Candidates must be able to demonstrate these and a clear career aspiration on the application forms. The hotel recruits not against number but quality and potential.
MethodologyThe training approach will be hands-on combined with problem-based scenarios। The interactive teaching is learner-centered and focuses on “why” in addition to “how” and “what”. It is outcome-oriented and emphasizes on quality under the caring nurture of the Training Guidance Team, which comprises of experts from all departments who are also the main coordinators.
Performance EvaluationAfter training at a department, the apprentice is given a performance review by the department leader before going on to the next department of rotation। Each apprentice will be tested on a weekly and monthly basis based on what they have learned. At the end of the rotation, apprentices will sit for a final test with question set by department leaders, training managers, and the General Manager. All test results will be accumulated and those with a score of 90% or higher will be promoted to Assistant Department Leader level; those with scores of 80~90% will be assigned as Section Leaders.
Grand Formosa Regent Taipei’s Management Apprenticeship Program, which is a pioneering concept in Taiwan’s hotel industry, is a powerful curriculum scheduled to start on the first of November of this year। The journey to success commences here for potential future leaders of the hotel industry in Taiwan and therefore creating the future leaders of Taiwan.
“Don’t be afraid to go through challenges and hardships,” concluded Mr. Borrello. “As the dividends will be paid over the long haul.”
