2007年5月17日 星期四

2007粽子創新意豪華、氣派、養生兼具的選擇 - 台北晶華酒店呈「頂級美國和牛粽」、「三燔竹筒燒肉粽」多元美味!(Click for Slide Show)

〈嵐,端午節的台北〉台北晶華酒店對料理的用心及創新,一向受到消費者的青睞。因應今年端午節(6月19日)即將到臨,晶華酒店引領推出兼具養生、美味與氣派、時尚的創意系列產品。 系列產品中,倍受矚目就是晶華酒店用最擅長的美國牛肉料理,所推出頂級美國和牛粽。 主廚選用美國和牛中的極品—極黑牛為主角,取其油嫩且不失咬勁的肋眼部位,並以中式老滷入味的方法烹煮,呈現出東西合併的極至美味。 除此,主廚仍保留去年受素食者喜愛的百菇養生五榖粽和有機紫米豆沙粽,並加入以「名菜入粽」為新興概念的松板豬肉粽、美國牛肋粽以及梅干扣肉粽,以及法國點心主廚首創的巧克力榛果甜粽等。 三燔本家餐廳以竹筒盛裝,全新首推三燔竹筒燒肉粽。 共計有八款粽子供消費者選擇,消費者也可組合上述各款粽子,購買晶華端午粽禮盒,搭配典雅且時尚的竹籃包裝,將可能成為今年端午節最物超所值、送禮自用的好選擇。 松板豬肉粽 以傳統上海粽的水煮方式烹調,主廚創意十足的加入枸杞帶出米的綿密甜味、香Q的猴頭菇、爽口的栗子、鮮美的大干貝以及高品質的健康松板豬肉,組成了這一款特級的難得美味。 NT$220 / 粒
美國牛肋粽 主廚選用美國頂級(Prime)牛肉,取其牛腩的部位以醬油香料滷汁烹煮,將長糯米以牛肉滷汁、香油、紅蔥頭等調味料拌炒,包入滷好的牛肉、香菇、栗子、花生下鍋水煮90分鐘即完成此款令人唇齒留香的佳作。 NT$280 / 粒
梅干扣肉粽 主廚將長糯米以及蓬萊米以二比一的方式混和,加入經過5次洗滌、切成細末並以醬油和糖拌炒的梅干菜入鍋蒸煮,起鍋後再以粽葉包入經過特製滷汁燉煮過的梅花豬肉,細膩滑嫩的口感不容錯過。 NT$120 / 粒
百菇養生五榖粽(素食可) 這款標榜健康低卡的素食粽,以口感近似鮑魚、有菇中之王美譽的杏鮑菇,搭配富含鈣質、菸鹼酸及維生素的香菇、洋菇…等菇類,包進以黑糯米、蕎麥、小米、薏仁、胚芽米五種榖類混合而成的有機五榖米中,不僅能滿足口腹之欲,同時還能兼顧現代人的養生需求。 NT$150 / 粒
巧克力榛果甜粽(甜粽、素食可) 將印度進口的Basmati米加入牛奶入鍋烹煮並放入新鮮香草及糖調味,米煮熟起鍋後與黑巧克力和巧克力片均勻攪拌,最後再加入榛果並包入棕葉內蒸8分鐘即可完成此香甜可口、中西合併的創意大作! NT$120 / 粒
有機紫米豆沙粽(甜粽、素食可) 軟Q香甜的有機紫米,搭配甜而不膩的紅豆沙,口感細緻綿密。可冷藏後食用,沁涼清爽的滋味,不失為一款優質的夏日清涼甜點。 NT$120 / 粒
晶華端午粽禮盒(六粒裝、附贈精美禮盒) 集合上述六款粽子各一粒,附贈樸質雅緻的竹籃包裝,端節送禮自用的最佳首選。 NT$880 / 套
頂級美國和牛粽(每日限量20粒、需於二天前預定,) 主廚選用兼具美國牛肉香甜多汁以及日本牛肉豐腴油嫩二款特色的「美國和牛」為主角,將和牛切塊川燙去血水後、放入加有醬油、鹽、糖、胡椒、花椒、酒及多款香料的滷汁中烹煮約20分鐘,接著將長糯米浸泡2小時後瀝乾、加入香油、紅蔥頭及牛肉滷汁下鍋拌炒,再將滷好的牛肉、花菇、栗子、花生與炒好的糯米包入粽葉中下鍋水煮90分鐘,成就今年端午最奢華的極緻美味。 NT$980 / 粒
三燔竹筒燒肉粽禮盒(三管裝、每日限量50組) 以三燔本家餐廳最受歡迎的壽喜牛蒸飯為創意來源,將牛蒡絲與香菇絲入鍋拌炒、加入滷煮入味的栗子,最後拌入長糯米中入鍋蒸煮,起鍋後再加入以美國頂級去骨牛小排所燒烤出的噴香烤肉片,最後放入竹筒中稍稍加熱讓竹子的香氣滲入即可。 NT$680 /套
PS上述各款粽子已開始接受預定 5月31日前訂購可享9折優惠!(值得把握!)
台北晶華酒店:台北市中山北路二段41號 購洽電話:(02)2523-8000轉各餐廳 http://www.grandformosa.com.tw/ Thinking out of the box again! The chicest rice dumplings at Grand Formosa Regent Taipei 〈R, Taipei〉The annual Dragon Boat Festival is around the corner yet again. And on this June 9, luxury hotels throughout Taiwan are ready to shine under the spotlight with the most innovative and tastiest rice dumplings. Continuing its tradition of having the most traditional rice dumplings alongside novelty items, Grand Formosa Regent Taipei takes the stage once again with healthy, nutritious, delicious and creative rice dumplings that all will enjoy~! The most talked-about rice dumpling this year is undoubtedly the American Wagyu Beef Rice Dumpling, made with the best Wagyu rib eye, which has the most tender and juicy taste. This western meat marinated and cooked Chinese style with chestnuts and gingko nuts is the perfect representation of the best of East and West and the epitome of good taste. In addition, the vegetarian Mushroom & Multigrain Rice Dumpling with five kinds of mushrooms and five kinds of grains as well as the Organic Purple Rice Dumpling with Red Bean Paste, which also tastes great as a chilled snack, are back by popular demand from last year. Also available on the menu this year are the Matsusaka Pork Rice Dumpling, made Shanghainese style with Chinese herbs, mushrooms and scallops, the Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetable Rice Dumpling deriving from a signature Chinese dish, and the U.S. Prime Beef Rice Dumpling prepared with prime beef briskets. If these selections are not enough, try the Chocolate & Hazelnut Sweet Rice Dumpling, an original creation by Grand Formosa Regent Taipei’s renowned French Pastry Chef. Each of these rice dumplings are available in single pieces with prices starting at NT$120, or as an exquisitely decorated gift box set of six for NT$880. Still not satisfied? Then try the chic, stylish, and mouth-watering Mihan Sukiyaki Rice Dumpling, the idea of which comes from Grand Formosa’s latest trophy Japanese restaurant. Shreds of burdock and mushroom are sautéed with marinated chestnuts and prime boneless beef spareribs in a special mildly sweet sauce then placed in a bamboo for the flavor to sink in. The Mihan Sukiyaki Rice Dumpling Gift Box comes three tubes with an attractive package for NT$680. Reservations for these dumplings are accepted now. Enjoy a 10% discount with purchases prior to May 31. Please call 02-2523-8000 for more information. Grand Formosa Regent Taipei 41 Chung Shan North Road, Section 2, Taipei, Taiwan http://www.grandformosa.com.tw/
